Through our dIGITAL PRINTERS Roland XJ 640, we can now more Quickly produce your digital prints!.
For smaller orders we have a production time of Approximately 4 hours , . Just send us your inquiry and we will calculate the printing time and the collection date [/ vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
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[el_class vc_column_text =“ imprint_font „css =“ vc_custom_1455366814016 {margin-right: 5px important.! ; margin-left: 5px! important;} „] The maximum print width of our Roland printer on film is 1,58m. Width films with a width of 2m, are printed on our UV plate printer. This may even so know as color printing. The plan printing will be done by our 3,20m digital printers. Here we can print on the canvas material (full tarp or Meshplane) to 3,10m, so can get enough material to weld the sides. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
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